e73. Further available books

Lt. E.S.Henning. The High-Frequency War
(Release date 4 June 1946).

60cm emergency transmitter SE54231 (SEG2T ??) pp78
Benito and Egon control of fighters pp72
Bernardine-Bernard Jam-Proof Command-Transmission pp115
Cathode Ray Tubes pp.102
Centimetric developmenst in the Luftwaffe pp.94
Centrimetric and electronic research in the GAF pp.82
Crystal detectors pp.97
DMG5K -' Michael' 60cm radio link equipment pp.77
Early warning IFF pp.89
Electron multipliers pp.99
Electronic copmoinents, Rugged tubes pp.103
Electronics in the German Air Force pp.29
Erik navigational beacon pp.74
Flak IFF pp88
Fug250 X-band radar homing set pp.84
German Airborne Electronics Navigational Aids
German aircraft radio equipment pp.70
German analysis of American and British AI Radar pp.87
German cm relay network pp74
German ionosphere measurement pp70
German navigational systems pp66
German night fighters homing equipment pp.63
German Night-fighter organisation (Radars) pp.41
German Proximity Fuse development pp.120
German radio components vs. British Components pp.119
German Y-service pp.38
Guided missiles pp.127
Horn antennas in the #2 Tower for Korfu Zwilling cm receiver pp.75
Infrared - PART VIII pp.148+
IR. ELAC Warmepeilgerät
IR. Empfangsorgane (Infrared Receiving Elements) pp150
IR. Filters and mirrors pp149
IR. Homing Equipments pp.153
IR. Sources of infrared frequencies pp149
IR. Warmepeilgeräte, Zeiss WPG (Prinzip) pp153+
(se note below)
IR. WPG Elac (Grundschaltung) pp152
(se note below)
IR. WPG Elac (Kabineninstrumente) pp151
(se note below)
Japanese-German Liaison on Electronic Equipment
Jules Verne's aspects of guided missiles pp144
Kiel-Z (FuG280) pp87
Klystrons pp97
Korfu-Z (FuG351) pp87
Miscellaneous German Airborne Radar design features pp94
Miscelleneous German Countermeasures pp111
mm-waves pp99
Radar Camouflage in the Wehrmacht
Space charge detedtion of aircrafts pp99
Summary of German radar from student notebook pp92
Supersonics pp145
The German Neptune A.I. Series pp88
The German Radar situation in 45 - pp112
War Television developments and uses pp99
Wave guides pp98
Note: The German had a system call WPG - Stellung with the aerial located on Feistein, Store Kjør and Jærensrev.
The system was an ultraviolet/ultrasonic system. This system was installed in november. 1944.
Øistein Th. Berge, january 2004.
See http://f16.parsimony.net/forum28300/index.htm

Zeiss WarmePeilGerät (Prinzip)
The book is available as copy from Werner Gierlach (DL6VW) in Köln, Germany

R. V. Jones: Most Secret War.
Some topics found particularly interesting to be mentioned here..
The Bruneval Raid pp302
The Baedeker Beams pp322
The Kammhuber Line pp339
Lichtenstein Gerät pp359
Window pp368
Revelations from the secret service pp397
Lichtenstein BC antenna fig.18b
Lichtenstein receiver and presentation unit in Ju88 fig.18a
Messerschmidt Nightfighter fitted with Lichtenstein Gerät fig.18d
Wurzburg at Bruneval fig.11a
Wurzburg Riese fig.13a, b, c, d
Bernhard radio navigational stations fig.15
Freya radar (not Freya-LZ - drawing) pp279 (fig.9) - "vertical polarized aerials"
Wotan's other eye pp231 (Y-ranging system)
The bombing system used in Baby Blitz, jan./march 44 pp503 (fig.25)
German drawings of their principal types of radar equipment pp511 (fig.26a)
German drawings of their principal types of radar equipment pp512 (fig.26b)

TM E11-219 Directory of German Radar Equipment (April 1945)
Foreword .................................................................... III
Airborne Radar:
FuG25 Airborne IFF Transmitter-receiver .............................. 1
FuG25A Airborne IFF Transmitter-receiver ............................ 2
FuG 25A Coding Unit, showing cam switches ........................ 10
FuG200 (Hohentwiel) ASV and Navigational Radar .............. 11
FuG202 (Lichtenstein) Airborne AI Radar ............................. 14
FuG214 (Lichtenstein R) Airborne AI Radar ...........................16
FuG216 (Neptun Gerät) Airborne Rear AI Radar ................... 19
Ground Radar:
Freya (Limber type) EW Radar ................................................ 24
Freya LZ (Pole type) EW Radar ............................................... 35
Hoarding (Mammut) Early Warning Radar .............................. 38
Chimney (Wassermann - Cylinder type) Long range EW radar 41
Chimney (Wassermann L - Girder type) Long range EW radar 43
Coastwatcher (Seetakt) Radar (EW type vs Ships) ................. 45
FMG 39L and 40L (Würzburg) GL Radar (not standard) .......... 52
FMG 39T (A) (Würzburg) GL Radar .......................................... 53
FMG 39T (C) (Würzburg) GL Radar .......................................... 55
FMG 39T (D) (Würzburg) GL Radar .......................................... 56
FMG 39T Riese (Giant Würzburg) GCI and GL Radar .............. 66
Glossary .................................................................................... 69

Conrad H. von Sengbusch & Ulrich Wintzer:
Luft-Boden-Einheitsempfänger E52 (written 2003).
Prüfung - Reparatur - Abgleich.

Vorwort ...................................................................... 2
Geschichte .................................................................. 3
Dokumente: Was gab es, was blieb erhalten? .......... 4
Algemeine Reparaturhinweise .................................. 6
Vorprüfung ............................................................... 10
Schnelldiagnose ....................................................... 11
Erste Sichtkontrollen ............................................... 12
Erste Messungen ...................................................... 18
ZF-Abgleich ............................................................... 21
ZF Spulendaten ........................................ (Tab III)
Quarzdaten .............................................. (Tab IV)
Anhang ..................................................................... 32
Schaltbild des Empfangsteiles nach Baugruppen geordnet E52-a ........ 33
Stromlaufplan des Empfangsteiles E52 b-2 nach Baugruppen geordnet 35
Stückliste E52a ........................................................................................ 37
Verdrahtungsplan für externen Modul-Abgleich ..................................... 63

At last - a very good book available from Werner Gierlach DL6VW; 92 pages with circuit diagrams,
figures, fotos and text to explain how to deal with the receiver.

If you are a serious E52 'Köln' collector who wish to have the receiver in best working condx
or simply interested in knowing all about technical details for the construction, you just can't do
without it. Most of us have equipment which are damaged by the fools who thought it needed
trimming, or thought that it is better to trim it even if you destroy it with improper tools,
then you need this book to repair what can be done.

D(Luft) T. g. Kdos 2177 A-3 Teil 12 C
He 177 A-3 Flugzeug-Handbuch. Sonderwaffenanlage mit FuG 203 d
(Stand August 1943), Ausgabe Januar 1944:

Elt-Abwurfanlage, Elt-Zünderanlage, Anlage FuG203d, Anordnung der ETC2000/XII,
Mechanische Verriegelung der Bombenklappen, Notwurfanlage, Heizanlage,

The books mentioned above are available as A4 or A5 copies from Werner Gierlach (DL6VW) in Köln, Germany
DL6VW@darc.de , home page www.qsl.net/dl6vw Tel: +49-221-840872


Last update: 2004.03.01