K.61 German radiolink stations in Norway

10a) They were also at Skaulen (near Sauda), here was a radio link station in 1944-1945, see Stavanger turistforenings aarbok 1997
Radio links existed in Norway at least in 42, but such seem not to count, and RADIOLINKS were reinvented by Telegrafverket
in 1947 using German equipment, so the actual date is falsified to 1947, and it was 50 years anniversary in 1997 for the first radio-
links in Norway describing the Norwegian pioneers, obviously doing something nobody else in the world had thought about.
10b) STF årbok 1997 - dragning mot skaulen, tysk radiolinjestasjon beskrivelse

Early German radio link equipment

It was a greater extent of types, but this is the only unit I have in my collection. I also have the NTG-2 Power supply.
See more technical info on page 33a.

Richtfunk-Verbindungen für den Flugmeldedienst in Süd-Norwegen im Mai 1945

Connections Denmark-Norway.

It seems to be confirmed that it was 15-channel carrier frequency connection using the MG15 equipment on coax-cable between
Hirtshals-Arendal and Hanstholm-Kristiansand, see
page 33b (Trägerfrequenzgeräte)

side k62: Telekommunikasjon