k30) German coast fortresses in Agder, S. Norway
(Tyske kystfort paa Sörlandet)

Intention for the coast fortress and radar pages:
The intention is not to copy the more professional style you find on many other sites, which in my opinion takes a lot of work to present little info. It is no good reason for shown a lot of small picture with inadequate text, with the possibility to click on the picture to have a little larger micro-picture without text, but show some observations and references I have collected with actual information on the actual page or referred to when too much to display on the first page. I am aware that it may not look professional, and I am critized for it, but professionalism doesn't make anything alone

Links to the next pages:


Under omarbeidelse, følgende gjelder:
k31 kystfort rundt Kristiansand
k32 kystfort på strekningen Søgne-Lyngdal
k33 kystfort på strekningen Farsund-Flekkefjord
k34 Batt. Vara
k39 diverse innsamlete bilder og filer til senere bruk, monumenter for nøytralitetsvakt 1914-1915

Deutsche Funkstellen in Norwegen
Funkbetrieb in Finnmark
Bilder fra Odderöy
k63 - Varmepeileutstyr (Wärmepeilgerät WPG) - infra-red equipment - part two

(1) ME109 at Lista - seen from the concrete runway

(2) German 38cm gun positions around Skagerak
[Hansted/Hanstholm, Vara/Mövik (Kristiansand), Vardaasen/Nötteröy (Tönsberg)]

See more info about Batteri Vara on page k34


(3) Map showing German coast fortresses at Sörlandet (Coastline Flekkefjord...Kristiansand...Skien)




a) Observation post at the site at Kvarodden, Randesund (French Tank Turret Called Ft 17)
b) Observation post at Höllen, Sögne (French Tank Turret Called Ft 17)

(5a) HKB 21/979 - Ny Hellesund - Command post at the top,. with AA gun in the front.
Such guns were usually kept in a store, and only put outside for alarm-state. Leif Damman,
Sögne and persons from Kristiansand Forsvarshistorisk forening have done a great job restauring
the site.
Access with passenger ferry from Höllen twice in a day, usually starts at 0930(?).

5b) Map for HKB21/979 Ny Hellesund

5c) Avslutning på dugnader i Ny-Hellesund 31. mai - siste bidrag til utstillingen er satt opp, en fransk 4,7cm kanon.
v/ Kristiansand Forsvarshistorisk forening (Foto: Manfred Kölling)

See more info about HKB 21/979 on page k31

5d) Sign over a telephone, found at HKB 18/979 Landehovde (Mandal) in 1957

6) Varnes fort HKB22/979, gun type K331 - Le Havre 1916, see also the separate page for Lista. Access by road,
but you drive on your own risk the last part. The road ends at a tunnel, blocked by a gate. It is easiest to remember
your own torch. Have met families with baby carriges in the tunnel!

See more info about HKB 22/979 on page k31

7a) Nie kehrst Du wieder Goldene Zeit - panel from a room at Gimlemoen (Kristiansand), moved to Kanonmuseet




8a) ex-Czech PzKpfw 35(t) turret post at Hamre, opposite side of the river from Kjevik airport,
it is not far from the road, near the river on the north side of an open field, somewhat difficult to park.
A similar is also easily found at Kjevik Airport (south end of an open field on the west side of the parking area),
and several at Lista (and just north of "Lista fyr")
8b) ex-Czech PzKpfw 35(t) turret post at Midhassel, Lista

8c) Observation post at Brennaasen, called "Kleinstglocke"
= small cupular for infanterie observation.

9) Flamingo post at Kviljo, Lista (just east of "Travbanen"). It is also a gun post with the
gun still in the bunker).

10a) Kart over Landehovde-området (HKB18/979), se Norgesglasset http://www.statkart.no/ngis/norgesglasset.html

10b) Landehovde (HKB18/979): Russian ex-prisoners are invited to sightseing by a my father and a friend.
See more pictures from Mandal 1940-1945 on
page k42
A German offered me a photo album from Mandal, obviously from a high ranked German officer,
and it caught my eyes that I had seen him on a picture before - a photo taken by my father - after he
got the watch from some friendly Englishmen in '45. Unfortunately my brother sold it.

See more info about HKB 18/979 (Landehovden) on page k31

13) Lastad kystfort v/Ålo (Harkmark)

Søgne guiden 1997. 
På side 14 står:
  Ved Lastad kan en liten avstikker til Lastad festning fra siste verdenskrig anbefales. 
Ca 150m fra veikryss ned mot Lastad, ta opp en sti til høyre

HKB 32/979 (978), satt opp ved Prestgården i Lillesand i 1944
Mangler detaljer og om man fortsatt kan se rester av dette

K89. Kystvakthytter/Coast Guard cottages

Glossary of German and English abbreviations and code names,
R.V.Jones: Most Secret War (ISBN 0 340 24169 1) pp 673-677


Propaganda from Quisling's men

Kunngjøring (1945)
Fienden har kapitulert

Nøytralitetsvakt under 1. verdenskrig:

Flere slike monumenter fra Kristiansandsområdet under 1.VK finner du på
side k39

Side 34a. Flak Kamera og Mutterkompass

  Dansk radiotjeneste 82-03-16542-7 "Tigerstelling"

just mentioning few available books

Links to other sites:

  Batt. Vara (Kanonmuseet), Mövik, Vågsbygd    
  Norwegian WW2 Discussion Forum  
  German Radar sites in Norway 1940-1945

